
We believe that everyone has something valuable to offer, regardless of their financial status, and we strive to create a system that recognizes and rewards those contributions. In our vision, individuals are not limited by their capital investments but are empowered by their unique skills, knowledge, and experiences. We envision a future where the value of one's contributions is not solely tied to their financial worth, but rather their impact and influence on society.

Our Mantra: Always stay fir3d 🔥

Open Positions

Job Positions

Application Process

At Firebond we have a simplified hiring process consisting of only 3 steps:

<aside> 1️⃣ Application —>


<aside> 2️⃣

Test task —>


<aside> 3️⃣ Interview with the Team Lead / CEO —>


<aside> 4️⃣ Onboarding 🔥


Life At Firebond

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"We shape our tools, thereafter our tools shape us." — Marshall McLuhan

Last updated: 5 October 2023